Activity of the organization
- Currently the fastest growing area of cooperation.
- We work with schools across the region.
- We work in working groups focused on specific topics – e.g. mathematics, inclusion, polytechnics or just foreign languages
Lector is a member of the Foreign Language Working Group
- Discussing teaching methods with teachers
- Helps transfer experience from different schools / share experiences
- Prepares activities for children and educators together with other members of the group (e.g. teaching languages in afternoon informal clubs, in camps, we are discussing a thematic competition – a show on a theme – such as drama or a song, etc.
- We organize communication courses in a foreign language for teachers – we try to methodically lead the less experienced teachers and help them effectively teach a foreign language
We share a language teacher as a school assistant
- He is always in class with a teacher – cooperates and teaches children to communicate within a given topic – he plays games with students, takes them on trips, does sport with children, and teaches them to communicate informally in a foreign language
- He usually works from 8 am to 2 pm.
- Schools pay for this service to our organization, and the organization pays a regular wage to the teacher